Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bulgarian Squat

The Bulgarian Squat is a more advanced exercise- I'd make sure you can do a regular lunge and belt squat before trying.  When the front leg is forward more, it helps activate the gluteus maximus more, which is generally good.  It also helps stretch the hip flexor of the rear leg.

1. Stand in front of a chair
2. Place right leg onto chair, with the top of your foot flat against the chair
3. Left foot should be 2-3 feet in front of the chair
4. Slowly lower your body so that your butt moves downward, but not forward.  You will be doing a lunge with your left leg.  You should feel a stretch in the front of your right thigh (your right hip flexor), and you should feel your left buttocks and thighs contracting.
5. TIP: pay attention to the movement of your left knee.  It should move straight up and down, and not deviate side-to-side.  If you find that you are struggling to keep your left knee stable, move slower, and don't lunge as deeply
6. TIP: Concentrate on sitting back, rather than bringing your upper body or shin forward
7. Repeat for 10 repetitions
8. Switch sides

Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each side

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