Thursday, April 16, 2015

7 Reasons why YOU should take a walk TODAY!

1.  It's FREE!  No expensive exercise equipment or gym membership needed!  Just a pair of sneakers, maybe some catchy tunes or a podcast, and a positive attitude!

2.  It can help you reach your weight loss goals.  Walking quickly for just 30 minutes a day is a great addition to any weight loss regimen! Walking has also been shown to help keep food cravings in check and since we all know that the main factor leading to weight loss is proper nutrition, this is a double bonus!

3.  It strengthens and protects your heart.  More specifically, it lowers bad (LDL) cholesterol, increases good (HDL) cholesterol and stabilizes blood pressure.   That's why you should LOVE walking!

4.  It can help prevent osteoporosis & osteoarthritis.  Walking is a weight-bearing exercise and helps to strengthen bones, prevent bone thinning and maintain healthy cartilage.

5.  It can help improve your sleep.  Most of us are not getting nearly enough Z's each night but studies have shown that getting outside for a walk can help regulate our body's melatonin levels, which helps regulate the sleep cycle.

6.  It gives you a chance to form relationships.  Walking alone with some music or a podcast is fantastic, but so is taking the time to walk with your spouse, your children, or a friend!  Plus, buddying up during exercise makes it more enjoyable and, in turn, makes you more likely to stick to the routine.  So grab a pal and get walking!

7.  It lowers stress and increases happiness! Exercise of any sort releases our body's "happy drugs": endorphins!  Endorphins cause that sense of euphoria that comes after physical activity.  In addition, they can inhibit the transmission of pain signals.  Walking generates endorphins which increase happiness and decrease pain.  In other words, walking is medication (insert gasp here)!

Whatever YOUR reason, just strap on a pair of shoes and get walking!  The Lake Washington Sports & Spine team will be rooting for you!

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