Monday, July 1, 2013

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

This diet was developed by my colleague Trasey Falcone, DO, and is helpful to bring down systemic inflammation.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Goal: Decrease foods that lead to inflammation and pain, and optimize intake of healthy protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

General Guidelines:
- Increase daily intake of a variety of colorful fruits (2-3 servings) and vegetables
- Eat good protein sources at every meal
- Minimize or eliminate trans fatty acids, and partially hydrogenated oils
- Minimize or eliminate high-glycemic index foods
- Try to purchase organic fruits and vegetables and free-range meats whenever possible

- Use organic or free-range meats when possible
- Nut butters (almond, cashew, macadamia)
- Beans and grains (soy, millet, quinoa, lentils, and other beans)

Proteins to avoid or limit:
- Avoid charring/browning proteins/meats
- Minimize large fish such as tuna and swordfish because of mercury
- Avoid farm-raised salmon because of PCBs
- coconut, canola, or olive oil for cooking

- Sources of omega-3 fats: flax seed oil, sardines, ocean salmon, walnuts
- Dietary supplement of high EPA/DHA fish oils (purified to eliminate mercury,
- Use dry-roasted or raw nuts

Fats to avoid:
- Eliminate deep fried and breaded fried foods (french fries, chicken nuggets, etc)
- Avoid all partially hydrogenated oils and trans fats
- Decrease saturated fats (ice cream)
- Avoid highly heated fats (crispy bacon and french fries)

- Colorful fruits (berries, pomegranate, apples, pears and citrus fruits)
- Vegetables (organic when possible)
- Cruciferous vegetables (detoxification) broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale
- Fiber-rich vegetables: chard, spinach, celery, squash, zucchini, cucumber
- Onion family: Onions, leeks, chard, garlic, chives
- Consider juicing organic vegetables to improve intake of phytochemicals
- Beans (soluble fiber and protein): Kidney, black, pinto, garbanzo, etc
- Use high-fiber, high-protein breads (3-5 gms)
- Use whole grain carbohydrate sources: quinoa, millet

Carbohydrates to avoid:
- High-glycemic index foods such as cookies, cakes, scones, muffins, potatoes, sugars, white rice, enriched pastas, white breads
- Try to avoid artificial colorings and diet beverages with aspartame
- Minimize and avoid foods containing ingredients that have MSG

Other Anti-inflammatory Foods:
- Dark chocolate (in moderation)
- Red wine (optional- and in moderation)

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