Friday, November 10, 2017

The Barre3 Experience

In an effort to better understand the factors that underlie exercise-specific injuries, the LWSS team has embarked on a mission to try a myriad of local fitness classes! Last week, our squad attended a class at barre3 in Bellevue.  For most of us, it was the first time performing any type of barre exercise.  

Notable post-class quotes:
"I was slipping in my sweat!"
"That was wayyy harder than I expected."
"During the first 7 minutes, I was looking around hoping I wasn't the only one sweating so much."
"I ran a marathon 2 weeks ago and that class made me feel out of shape!"

Interested in trying barre for the first time? Here are some tips for success:
  1. Know your level of fitness.  If you haven't worked out in quite some time, barre (or any group class for that matter) might not be the best reintroduction to exercise.  We recommend a personal trainer or private lesson to ensure proper form and to prevent injury. 
  2. Do your research.  Every studio and class are different!  As a beginner, you'll want to make sure you're signing up for a beginner or fundamentals class and not level 5 advanced.
  3. Dress appropriately. Make sure to wear fitting athletic clothing since you will SWEAT. You won’t be wearing sneakers in the studio, so make sure to check the studios policies prior to arrival to see what they require for footwear.  We were required to go barefoot and WISH we all had some special grip socks for balance!
  4. Arrive early.  This will give you time to complete the studio's forms, ask any questions, and introduce yourself to the instructor.  Make sure to let them know you're a beginner and make them aware of any injuries you have.
  5. Listen to your body: go at your own pace, don't be afraid to take breaks when you need to them, and modify poses that are too challenging.

Final thoughts:
Barre3 was a great high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout.  Even the men felt it would be a great way to build diversity into an existing exercise routine! With winter and skiing/snowboarding on the horizon, barre3 would also be an excellent workout get those quads in slope-shape!